Praise from AmLaw for ACTL Diversity Program

February 7, 2023
by Ross Rodd

Five minutes.

That’s how long retired Latham & Watkins litigation partner Thomas Heiden says it took the American College of Trial Lawyers committee he chairs to decide to mount a second annual training program aimed at sharpening the courtroom skills of a diverse set of aspiring trial lawyers. Last May we wrote about the inaugural ACTL trial diversity program, held at Latham’s Chicago offices, where fellows from the college gave a free weekend of training, standup mock trial experience and feedback to 50 aspiring trial lawyers from across the country. After we heard rave reviews from faculty and participants, we offered up a pat on the back to organizers for pressing on through four COVID-related postponements to make the weekend program happen. But we also gave them a nudge to urge that the weekend not be a one-off. After all, by any measure, we’re still a long way from the ACTL’s stated goal of making the trial bar better reflect the diversity of society writ large.

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