AI at Trial

Thursday, February 29
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Arizona Biltmore

Included with your meeting registration
(Please indicate CLE attendance during registration; there is no additional cost.)
1.5 Credit Hours* (where approved)
*includes some ethics credit

This program will introduce and explore the ways AI is being used for trial preparation and at trial. A panel of trial and jury consultants, trial lawyers and legal ethicists will examine the various types of AI technology used to support different aspects and stages of the trial process, along with the pitfalls of engaging AI. The panelists will address AI as a predictive tool and provide a glimpse into the future possibilities of AI as part of pre-trial, trial, and post-trial processes. Learn how AI will change the future of trial practice.

Panel Includes:

Maura R. Grossman, J.D., Ph.D., Toronto, ON
Daniel Wolfe, J.D., Ph.D., Chicago, IL
Jeffrey T. Frederick, Ph.D., Charlottesville, VA
Judge Samuel Thumma, Phoenix, AZ
Carolyn Fairless, FACTL
David Wolfsohn, FACTL
Terri Mascherin, FACTL (Moderator)



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