Inductee Group Photo_FINAL

We hope you will join us in Nashville, Tennessee for your induction during the Annual Meeting, September 26-29, 2024.

As a registered Inductee, you and a registered spouse or guest are welcome to participate in the meeting program. Inductees also have the Inductee Reception on Thursday evening, Inductee Breakfast on Friday morning and Inductee luncheon on Saturday afternoon to attend. These three events will provide information about the College’s work, mission, rich history and the vetting process which lead to your invitation to fellowship.

The Induction Ceremony and Banquet on Saturday night upholds our 70+ year tradition of welcoming new Fellows into the College. Please be sure to include this event when registering for the meeting.

We hope you find your first meeting with the College to be an inspiring experience and an appropriate recognition of your accomplishments as a trial lawyer.

Please review the Inductee Q&A below for answers to questions you may have. We can also be reached via email at or call us at 949-752-1801.

Inductee Q & A
1. Where can I view the meeting agenda?
The complete meeting schedule of events can be viewed by clicking here.
2. When are the events specifically for Inductees?

There are two events exclusively for Inductees. They will be held onsite at the meeting hotel, JW Marriott, Nashville. Inductee events are designed to enhance your first meeting with the College and attendance is mandatory. The events are:

  • Inductee Reception – Thursday, September 26 at 5:00pm
  • Induction Orientation Breakfast – Friday, September 27 at 7:30am (Inductees only)
  • Inductee Reception and Luncheon – Saturday, September 28 at 12:00pm
  • Reception, Induction Ceremony & Banquet – Saturday, September 28 at 7:00pm
3. Do I need to register separately for the Induction Ceremony?
Yes. Please be sure to complete the Annual Banquet Tickets section of your registration. This will ensure your inclusion in the Induction Ceremony. If you register a Spouse/Guest for the meeting, please be sure to include an Annual Banquet ticket for them as well.

4. Does my spouse or guest need to be registered for the meeting?

Registering a Spouse/Guest for the meeting will give them access to CLE, the evening events on Thursday and Friday night, the Inductee Luncheon on Saturday afternoon, the general sessions and the general session breakfasts. Without a meeting registration, admission into these events will not be possible. These events are well attended and a great place to meet other Fellows, Inductees and their spouses or guests.

The Induction Ceremony and Banquet is an additional registered event. You and your Spouse/Guest must be registered for the meeting to purchase tickets for this event.

5. As an Inductee, where can I get information about the College?

The ACTL website has a section titled Inductee Information. In this section you will find the Induction charge that was written by our founder, Emil Gumpert and has been administered to all inductees since 1950. Other information in this section includes a Welcome message from the College President to Inductees, sample press release text to announce your induction after the meeting, policy documents for logo use and advertising, the committee interest form, and more.

6. If I have forgotten my login information for the ACTL website, how can I get it?

On the login page at, click the Forgot your password? Link under the ‘Login’ button.

Enter your email and your Username and Password will be emailed to you. Or you can contact the National Office for assistance.

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